
MD, Psychiatrist, Gestalt therapist, Adjunt Professor of Phenomenological and Existential Approach, Dep. of Psychology, University of Torino (Italy), international trainer and supervisor, he has published widely on psychotherapy and psychopathology, exploring original approaches to understanding clinical suffering from a phenomenological and Gestalt therapy viewpoint and proposing new models for framing particular clinical disorders. He is co-director of the IPsiG - International Institute for Gestalt Therapy and Psychopathology and President of Poiesis - Gestalt Therapy Clinical Centre of Torino. His last two books are Phenomenological-Gestalt Psychopathology: a light Introduction, L’Exprimerie, Bordeaux, 2022, and (co-edited with T. Griffero) Psicopatologia e Atmosfere. Prima del soggetto e del mondo, Fioriti, 2022 (first English ed., Psychopathology and Atmospheres. Neither Inside nor Outside, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019). He is co-director of the books series Prospettive psicopatologiche e psicoterapia della Gestalt, Fioriti.